Mithril 2.0.0-rc.5



Turns a string of the form /path/user?a=1&b=2 to an object

var object = m.parsePathname("/path/user?a=1&b=2")
// {path: "/path/user", params: {a: "1", b: "2"}}


object = m.parsePathname(string)

Argument Type Required Description
string String Yes A URL
returns Object A {path, params} pair where path is the normalized path and params is the parsed parameters.

How to read signatures

How it works

The m.parsePathname method creates an object from a path with a possible query string and hash string. It is useful for parsing a URL into more sensible paths, and it's what m.route uses internally to normalize paths to later match them. It uses m.parseQueryString to parse the query parameters into an object.

var data = m.parsePathname("/path/user?a=hello&b=world#random=hash&some=value")

// data.path is "/path/user"
// data.params is {a: "hello", b: "world", random: "hash", some: "value"}

License: MIT. © Leo Horie.