


Turns a path template and a parameters object into a string of form /path/user?a=1&b=2

var pathname = m.buildPathname("/path/:id", {id: "user", a: "1", b: "2"})
// "/path/user?a=1&b=2"


pathname = m.buildPathname(object)

Argument Type Required Description
path String Yes A URL path
query Object Yes A key-value map to be converted into a string
returns String A string representing the URL with the query string

How to read signatures

How it works

The m.buildPathname creates a path name from a path template and a parameters object. It's useful for building URLs, and it's what m.route, m.request, and m.jsonp all use internally to interpolate paths. It uses m.buildQueryString to generate the query parameters to append to the path name.

var pathname = m.buildPathname("/path/:id", {id: "user", a: 1, b: 2})

// pathname is "/path/user?a=1&b=2"

License: MIT. © Leo Horie.