Core Topics
Advanced Topics
Mithril is available from a variety of sources:
Direct download
You can download a zip of the latest version version here.
Links to older versions can be found in the change log
In order to use Mithril, extract it from the zip file and point a script tag to the .js
<script src="mithril.min.js"></script>
CDNs (Content Delivery Networks)
You can also find Mithril in cdnjs and jsdelivr
Content delivery networks allow the library to be cached across different websites that use the same version of the framework, and help reduce latency by serving the files from a server that is physically near the user's location.
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
Bower is a package manager for NodeJS. If you're using NodeJS already or planning on using Grunt to create a build system, you can use Bower to conveniently keep up-to-date with Mithril versions.
Assuming you have NodeJS installed, you can install Bower by typing this in the command line:
npm install -g bower
And you can download Mithril by typing this:
bower install mithril
Then, to use Mithril, point a script tag to the downloaded file:
<script src="/bower_components/mithril/mithril.min.js"></script>