WARNING: This documentation is for an old version of mithril! Please see the current docs for more accurate info.

Change Log

v0.1.3 - maintenance


  • Mithril is now available via Component
  • There's now an extra low-level optimization hook called a SubtreeDirective, which allows implementing plugins that only create virtual trees if necessary.

Bug Fixes:

  • diff no longer touch the DOM when processing style attributes and event handlers
  • returning a thennable to a resolution callback in m.deferred().promise now causes the promise to adopt its state
  • diff now correctly clears subtree if null or undefined is passed as a node

v0.1.2 - maintenance


Bug Fixes:

  • m.render now correctly reattaches reused DOM elements to replaced parent nodes #31
  • UI actions that can potentially de-synchronize the DOM from cache now force synchronization #29

v0.1.1 - maintenance


Bug Fixes:

  • m.route.param now resets on route change correctly #15
  • m.render now correctly ignores undefined values in the virtual tree#16
  • errors thrown in promises now cause downstreams to be rejected #1

Breaking changes:

  • changed default value for xhr.withCredentials from true to false for m.request, since public APIs are more common than auth-walled ones. #14

    In order to configure this flag, the following configuration should be used:

    var privateAPI = function(xhr) {xhr.withCredentials = true};
    m.request({method: "GET", url: "http://foo.com/api", config: privateAPI});

v0.1 - Initial release