WARNING: This documentation is for an old version of mithril! Please see the current docs for more accurate info.

Change Log

v0.1.7 - maintenance


  • Mithril will be on a accelerated release cycle for the rest of the v0.1.x series. This means CDNs may lag behind in versions, so it's recommended that you either use one of the supported NodeJS package managers or fork from the Github repo directly. More information can be found here

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed ordering bug when virtual element is preceded by array #50

v0.1.6 - maintenance

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed serious bug when mixing cached text nodes with new virtual elements #49

v0.1.5 - maintenance


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed serious ordering problem when mixing arrays with virtual elements #48

v0.1.4 - maintenance


  • added regression tests for reported bugs
  • added support for SVG

Bug Fixes:

  • URLs with port numbers are now handled correctly #40
  • NPM package now contains unminified version for map files #39
  • fixed ordering issue when mixing newly created virtual elements with elements from cache #44
  • fixed caching bug in links w/ config option attached #43
  • fixed attribute update bug when an element has both oninput and onkeydown handlers #36

v0.1.3 - maintenance


  • Mithril is now available via Component
  • There's now an extra low-level optimization hook called a SubtreeDirective, which allows implementing plugins that only create virtual trees if necessary.

Bug Fixes:

  • diff no longer touch the DOM when processing style attributes and event handlers
  • returning a thennable to a resolution callback in m.deferred().promise now causes the promise to adopt its state
  • diff now correctly clears subtree if null or undefined is passed as a node

v0.1.2 - maintenance


Bug Fixes:

  • m.render now correctly reattaches reused DOM elements to replaced parent nodes #31
  • UI actions that can potentially de-synchronize the DOM from cache now force synchronization #29

v0.1.1 - maintenance


Bug Fixes:

  • m.route.param now resets on route change correctly #15
  • m.render now correctly ignores undefined values in the virtual tree#16
  • errors thrown in promises now cause downstreams to be rejected #1

Breaking changes:

  • changed default value for xhr.withCredentials from true to false for m.request, since public APIs are more common than auth-walled ones. #14

    In order to configure this flag, the following configuration should be used:

    var privateAPI = function(xhr) {xhr.withCredentials = true};
    m.request({method: "GET", url: "http://foo.com/api", config: privateAPI});

v0.1 - Initial release