WARNING: This documentation is for an old version of mithril! Please see the current docs for more accurate info.


HTML to Mithril Template Converter

If you already have your HTML written and want to convert it into a Mithril template, use the tool below.

Template Converter

Mithril Template Compiler

You can pre-compile Mithril templates to make them run faster. For more information see this page:

Compiling Templates

Internet Explorer Compatibility

Mithril relies on some Ecmascript 5 features, namely: Array::indexOf and Object::keys, as well as the JSON object.

You can use polyfill libraries to support these features in IE7.

Mithril also has a dependency on XMLHttpRequest. If you wish to support IE6, you'll need a shim for it. IE7 and lower do not support cross-domain AJAX requests.

In addition, note that most m.route modes rely on history.pushState in order to allow moving from one page to another without a browser refresh. IE9 and lower do not support this feature and will gracefully degrade to page refreshes instead.