Mithril 2.0.0-rc.6



Updates the DOM after a change in the application data layer.

You DON'T need to call it if data is modified within the execution context of an event handler defined in a Mithril view, or after request completion when using m.request/m.jsonp. The autoredraw system, which is built on top of m.redraw() will take care of it.

You DO need to call it in setTimeout/setInterval/requestAnimationFrame callbacks, or callbacks from 3rd party libraries.



Argument Type Required Description
returns Returns nothing

Static members



Argument Type Required Description
returns Returns nothing

How it works

When callbacks outside of Mithril run, you need to notify Mithril's rendering engine that a redraw is needed. External callbacks could be setTimeout/setInterval/requestAnimationFrame callbacks, web socket library callbacks, event handlers in jQuery plugins, third party XHR request callbacks, etc.

To trigger a redraw, call m.redraw(). Note that m.redraw only works if you used m.mount or m.route. If you rendered via m.render, you should use m.render to redraw.

m.redraw() always triggers an asynchronous redraws, whereas m.redraw.sync() triggers a synchronous one. m.redraw() is tied to window.requestAnimationFrame(). It will thus typically fire at most 60 times per second. It may fire faster if your monitor has a higher refresh rate.

m.redraw.sync() is mostly intended to make videos play work in iOS. That only works in response to user-triggered events. It comes with several caveat:

m.redraw() doesn't have any of those issues, you can call it from wherever you like.

License: MIT. © Leo Horie.